Merrill Gardens Blog

Thank You Dad!

Written by The Team at Merrill Gardens | Jun 24, 2021 7:00:00 AM

Ties, coffee mugs, shaving kits, and power tools — we have given our dads a lot over the years, but we'll never be done appreciating everything they've done for us. There is one day a year that is all about our dads, Father's Day, and we were overjoyed to see the Merrill family flex their creative muscles for the special day!

Two communities went all out for a classic car-themed party that got everyone involved!

Residents in West Covina (CA) enjoyed a delicious barbeque, festive gifts, and a jaw-dropping car show! A special thank you to The West Covina Cal-Rods Car Club for swinging by and letting our residents enjoy their favorite classic cars.

At The Oaks (AZ) residents were treated to a delicious lunch and had custom gifts made for each of them! Team members worked together to figure out each resident's favorite classic car and made personalized gift bags.

Father's Day in Monterey (CA) was filled with delicious food, gift boxes, and a whole lot of much-needed quality time. We love seeing so many charming photos and wish we were able to swing by for that amazing meal!

Our communities in Cottonwood Heights (UT) and First Hill (WA) sent over so many photos of smiling dads as they enjoyed their day! It's incredible to see the impact that some thoughtful planning and celebration can have, and we will always enjoy seeing so much happiness from our Merrill family!

There will never be enough thank you's and gifts that we can give them, but we sure can try! A huge thank you to all of the dads out there and we hope you enjoyed your special day.