Merrill Gardens Blog

Three Easy Ways To Give Back This Spring

Written by The Team at Merrill Gardens | Apr 7, 2022 7:00:00 AM

Helping others can bring us closer to our communities and foster environments of love and caring. Here are three easy ways that you can give back to the community around you!

1) Join a Community Garden

Spring is the perfect time to start a garden! Gardening is a great pastime for many and might even already be something you love to do. A community garden helps create a new source of food and serves as a great place to make new friends. 

From vegetables to herbs, creating a beautiful garden with a group of volunteers can help serve your community in a unique way. Not only can you create new relationships, you may also find the activity to be beneficial for your mental health.

2) Write Letters

Another great way to give back to your community is to write letters. You can write letters to your family, friends, and neighbors to offer them a bit of warmth during their week. It’s always nice to get physical mail in today’s digital age. 

One example is to send letters to deployed military troops. You can write a letter of encouragement once a month to those who are serving the country and have been deployed in other areas. A great website is Doing Good Together. A letter of encouragement can go a long way, and it’s a great way to support others.

3) Start A Bird-Watching Or Book Club

You can start a club or organization to promote togetherness in your community. Bird-watching is a great way to bring people together with a common interest. A book club can be another way to build friendships in your community. First, figure out a hobby you love, then build a group to share it with others.

Start Giving Back To Your Community

If you’ve been wanting to give back to your community, now is the time to start! No matter the activity, there are many ways you can give back to your community this Spring.