Looking to the Future

As a fifth-generation family company, we are extremely proud of our history. The Merrill Family of Senior Living Communities has a rich history, dating back to the Pacific Northwest logging industry in the late 1800's. A very determined Richard Dwight (R.D.) Merrill set out to be different than those before him as he built a reputation at his timber company of caring for his people and the environment. High quality living conditions, fair pay, and sustainable forestry mattered to the company and the team he worked with.

Black and white photo, a group of loggers stand around machinery in the forest

In 1993, the Merrill family branched into a new industry, senior living, but the tradition of thoughtfulness, commitment to innovation, and continual growth never wavered. These family values helped guide us to where we are today as one of the most respected senior living companies in the country.

Cole Wright, Chairman of R.D. Merrill Company, and Tana Gall, President of Merrill Gardens, discuss the past, present, and future of the Merrill Family of Senior Living Communities in our latest video. Whether you are curious about the services we provide, or are interested in the history of Merrill Gardens, we hope you enjoy this new video as much as we do.

If you’d like to watch the video, please click here or play the video below.


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