The COVID-19 Vaccine Is Here!

We have all been waiting for a vaccine to the world-wide problem of COVID-19 for almost a year. We are beyond excited to say that the vaccine is here and is currently being distributed or scheduled for distribution, to all Merrill communities!

We are receiving smile-filled photos every day with residents receiving their first round of the vaccine and wanted to provide you with more information. If you'd like to listen to a conversation with Merrill Gardens President Tana Gall and Consulting Physican Dr. Jay Fathi, please click here or watch below!

Betty, a resident of Legacy at Georgetown (TX), made history as she was the first resident at a Merrill community to receive the vaccine! We were so excited to get the first doses and are looking forward to all residents being vaccinated.

At Merrill Gardens at Burien (WA), residents and team members filled out cards sharing their reasons for getting vaccinated. We are incredibly grateful that everyone is working together to stay safe and healthy!

Residents and team members at Merrill Gardens at Rancho Cucamonga (CA) and Merrill Gardens at Green Valley Ranch (NV) were sure to give a big thumbs up during their shots. We also love to see that they had a creative food cart ready and the residents enjoyed the snacks and beverages!

At Merrill Gardens at Lafayette (CA), over 70 residents were vaccinated as well as team members. Some of our very special residents, pictured below, are over 100 years old, and we couldn't be happier to see them do their part!

A local Washington news source, King 5 News, connected with Merrill Gardens President Tana Gall to have a conversation about the vaccine within senior living. If you'd like to check out the interview watch the video below!

Each day we are getting closer to beating COVID-19 and we look forward to keeping everyone updated on how we are contributing to the solution.

Make 2021 Great - Let's All Vaccinate!


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