2022 Merrill Olympics!

As the 2022 Winter Olympics concluded this past weekend in Beijing, so did the Merrill Family Olympics all over the country. Residents loved the friendly competition and creative events that they have been competing in for the past few weeks!

To kick off the big event, our residents at Huntington Beach (CA) participated in their own opening ceremony, complete with the passing of the torch! It was so much fun getting everything started and everyone was excited for the games to come.

Huntington Beach (CA) residents went all out for their version of the Opening Ceremony.

Huntington Beach (CA) residents went all out for their version of the Opening Ceremony.

Residents and team members at Barkley Place (FL) made their own custom signs to support their team and favorite event! It was great to see all of the different events that everyone was looking forward to.

Barkley Place (FL) residents made custom Olympics signs!

So many communities got in on the fun as they created their own versions of the Olympic games. From cotton ball ice hockey all the way to the ring toss, residents were able to flex their competitive muscles in a variety of different ways. At Carolina Park (SC) they broke out the hockey sticks and took their shots!

Carolina Park (SC) residents broke out the hockey sticks for some cotton ball ice hockey.

Carolina Park (SC) residents broke out the hockey sticks for some cotton ball ice hockey.

Carolina Park (SC) residents broke out the hockey sticks for some cotton ball ice hockey.

With the ring toss at Campbell (CA), tabletop curling at Chateau Brickyard (UT), and snowflake volleyball at The Oaks (AZ), our residents had a blast! It was truly incredible to see all of the creativity that went into each competition.

Residents competed in the ring toss at Campbell (CA).

Tabletop curling was a hit at Chateau Brickyard (UT).

The Oaks (AZ) residents got in on the fun with snowflake volleyball.

Residents in Bradenton (FL) ended their Merrill Olympics with a closing ceremony complete with decorations, snacks, and the presentation of medals! It was heartwarming to see the pride and accomplishment of every resident that worked so hard for the gold!

Bradenton (FL) residents capped off their Merrill Olympics with a fantastic closing ceremony.

Bradenton (FL) residents capped off their Merrill Olympics with a fantastic closing ceremony.

Bradenton (FL) residents capped off their Merrill Olympics with a fantastic closing ceremony.

Bradenton (FL) residents capped off their Merrill Olympics with a fantastic closing ceremony.

We hope everyone had the chance to check out the Winter Olympics this year, and maybe if you're feeling competitive you could set up some events of your own!


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