Our Toys for Tots Drive - Biggest Yet!

For the third year in a row we partnered with our sister company Pillar Properties to support Toys for Tots and this year's toy drive was a wild success - bringing in 2,333 toys AND $40,539 in cash! 

We are so grateful to everyone who donated toys and money to help this worthy cause - and it feels so good to help ensure that children in our community have a Merry Christmas this year. We were overwhelmed by the response as we reached out far and wide asking people to donate - and everyone came through.  From the bins at our communities to the hard working gang at our corporate office, it was a team effort!

"On behalf of Toys for Tots we would like to thank Merrill Gardens and Pillar Properties for their generous donation to this year's Toys for Tots campaign.  It means so much to so many children and it is truly impressive to see such a large donation from a group this size," said Frederick Willard, Sgt.,U.S. Marine Corps.

We had a blast filling the 17 foot truck with 37 overflowing boxes of toys and delivering them to the Toys for Tots warehouse for distribution.  We felt like Santa!

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to our toy drive this year!


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